Your Law Firm Server Is A WASTE OF MONEY

Don’t let files or applications force your purchase of another money pit

Breaking the Cycle of Server Replacements

The post-COVID era has introduced a new competitive landscape for law firms, and clinging to on-premises technology can hold your firm back from progress. Your clients, finances, and team expect you to embrace more intelligent business solutions. Traditional server maintenance for a handful of applications and document storage is no longer sustainable— financially or operationally.

If your firm is trapped in the expensive and exhausting five-year cycle of purchasing, updating, and managing on-site servers, it's time to break free. The costs—both in dollars and downtime—are significant, and the hassle of constant maintenance, from backups to patches, is not worth it.

But the transition to the cloud can be daunting. Concerns about unpredictable expenses and giving free rein to cloud providers are valid. However, there's a middle ground that eliminates both the wasteful spending on physical servers and the fear of unchecked cloud costs.

Microsoft Azure WVD for Law Firms is a Game Changer

Enter Microsoft Azure Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) for Law Firms, explicitly tailored to the legal profession's needs. With our WVD solution, you can say goodbye to physical hardware and unpredictable spending. We provide a predictable monthly cost per user, ensuring that you can budget effectively without surprises.

Our service is designed by legal technology experts with over 25 years in the field. We support a range of legal applications, from TimeMatters to Clio, all optimized for our Azure Cloud WVD system. Pricing is transparent and affordable, ranging from $49-$79 per user per month, with stability that only changes when your firm grows.

Here's how our WVD service delivers cost savings:

  • We assess your computing needs using Microsoft's evaluation tools, ensuring you pay for what you need.
  • Our WVD plan includes servers that shut down when inactive and boot up rapidly when needed.
  • We leverage SharePoint for document and file storage to minimize storage costs.
  • You benefit from discounted Microsoft licensing plans exclusive to our partnership status.
  • Our agreements with Microsoft are flexible, adapting as your firm's needs evolve.

Before you commit to another costly server, consider a demonstration with us. Let's compare the costs and showcase the savings that a Microsoft cloud solution can offer.

Fill out our form and confidently discover your potential Microsoft cloud costs and savings—step into the future and avoid the cycle of server waste today.


Request a Free Azure Windows Virtual Desktop for Law Firms Guide

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