Working from Home Security Tips

Working from Home Security Tips

The biggest potential threat to any law firm is hackers and cyber criminals. These hackers want into your system with no other purpose than to cause havoc. If given the opportunity these hackers will take advantage of it. The opportunity given to them can be microscopic, but they will turn this into macroscopic damage. The results will be easily seen eventually by you and your clients. Some of these results could include stealing of your firm’s data, your client’s data, and much more.

Now that we’ve talked about the potential of what hackers can do, let’s talk about how to protect your firm while unsupervised employees work from home. Here are some quick and easy tips to help protect your firm

  • Educate your employees on what hackers are capable of
  • POWER OFF your device when you leave your home
  • Store your device in a secure location when leaving
  • LOCK your computer when you are away, DO NOT put it to sleep. This is especially important if you have children
  • For your mental health and computer security, when you’re done with work at the end of the day put your device out of sight.