What do you do when the most basic of #cybersecurity defenses, antivirus, fails you?
How can you keep antivirus from failing?
What does antivirus even protect you from today?
Every #lawfirm should know the steps to take to ensure your antivirus is best protecting you and where it fits into your #cybersecurity strategy.
3 Ways Antivirus Fails (and how to prevent it)
Microsoft Teams Newest Features
#microsoftteams is adding new features and functions faster than any other application in the history of #microsoft. It’s also grown in use faster than any other Microsoft product.
However our education on Teams is not staying updates as quickly.
How To Start Attracting New Clients, Again
“If you’re not growing, you’re dying.”
#lawfirm Associates and Partners should always be working to feed themselves and their firms new clients and cases. If not, you’ll never reach the level of success you
envisioned back in law school.
3 Social Scams That Tricked Lawyers
Even #lawyers can be tricked by #hackers. Sometimes even using social hacking tricks that most of us would think are far fetched. But it happens and the best way to keep it from happening to you is to know the scams and how they start.
We review 3 #socialhacks in detail, how easily they were executed and how you can avoid being duped too.
New OBLIC Tech Requirements Deep Dive Part 2
New #cybersecurity requirements for Cyber Liability coverage is causing #lawfirms to “Check NO” on applications due to lack of readiness thereby not being eligible for coverage.
In Part 2 we review Information and Network Security Controls and #Ransomware Controls needed to meet the new base requirements to bind coverage with many insurance providers.
Top 5 Questions To Ask When Looking For A New IT Provider
Don’t make a mistake when changing IT Support companies!
You can avoid a BIG mistake by asking a few questions and understanding what makes a good response.
New OBLIC Tech Requirements Deep Dive
OBLIC has new #cybersecurity requirements for Cyber Liability Insurance and most #lawfirms
are NOT ready to “Check Yes” to them.
Last week we gave you an overview of the requirements and today we deep dive into them so
you’re not denied coverage.
ALERT: New OBLIC Cyber Liability Requirements
If you’re an #attorney in Ohio, you probably have (or are getting) Cyber Liability insurance
through #OBLIC (Ohio State Bar Association Insurance Agency).
The bar (no pun intended) has been raised to bind coverage. We cover the tech specifics to
meet those requirements so you’re not denied.
Choosing the Right Antivirus
Do you know there are different types of antivirus available today? Most business owners don’t know because their IT staff aren’t giving them an option.
However there are stark difference between older antivirus and the more secure options available in next-gen antivirus.
5 Cybersecurity Questions Law Firms Need To Ask IT
Are you taking an expensive gamble with your Law Firm’s IT cybersecurity? How do you know?
Most firm owners and leaders don’t even know what questions to ask.
In this episode, we’ll give you 5 of the most important questions you should ask to ensure you’re not playing poker with your #lawfirms #cybersecurity and your client data.