Who’s The Snack Monster In Your Office?

Who’s The Snack Monster In Your Office?


Who keeps eating all the snack or drinking all the coffee at your office? Stay with me on this one until the end of the post-trust me! If you’re like us we keep a stock of snacks, candy, coffee and sodas for our team available to them anyone they like. This helps them break up the monotony of their daily work and improves overall office demeanor.

We try to mix it up and give both healthy and “who cares” selections. Granola bars, breakfast bars, various chips (especially Doritos and Cheetos), Skinny Popcorn, individual sized assorted nuts (no that’s not just how we are), CHOCOLATE and more. As for the drinks you must have Mt. Dew (to go with the Doritos of course), and both Coke and Pepsi offerings. Coffee? KEURIG baby!!! Because people like to keep their hands busy and feel like they are “preparing” something for themselves (I’m sure there is a psychology in there that benefits the biz owner) not to mention it gives our workers a choice instead of forcing an old stale pot on them.

The problem is that all these get consumed faster in proportion than staff that we have. It’s like someone is stuffing their pockets and taking them home especially the K-Cups. So what should I do? My answer is to put up a sign “treats are for in-office snacking only” and then do NOTHING. If my crew is hammering through the yummies then it MUST BE A BENEFIT THEY ENJOY and who wants to knuckle down on that? In fact, step up your game! Keep improving their options and get more.

I know you’d like to put a hidden video camera and catch the Snack Monster but if nefarious actions are amiss they’ll be caught eventually. Work is tough enough for your staff and you already have so much to focus on in growing your law firm, so move on.

How much time would you waste and how much would you detract from the other staff’s enjoyment by ranting about it. Do you REALLY have time to waste worrying about the little things? Ask yourself, “what is the main thing”? The Main thing is to keep the Main thing, the main thing!!! Seriously, keep your employees happy and focus on growing your business.

What other ideas do you have to help keep your team happy and productive at the office? Workers, your comments are appreciated here too. What does your office do that you really enjoy?