Don’t Be An Awesome Attorney. Be “Remarkable”.

“I don’t have the kind of practice that can market to my prior clients”. Phooey!

Why do some law firm owners say to me, “I don’t have the kind of practice that can market to my prior clients” but at the same time they complain the phone doesn’t ring enough? Phooey I say! Mr. Struggling Attorney, your inability to objectively consider doing something different to get new clients is what’s killing your firm.

Why Your Client Chose You

Why did your client choose you instead of another lawyer? There are plenty of good ones out there. Have you ever asked yourself? How about them?

What is the most important thing an attorney can do to help improve their client acquisition rate? Get more leads? Hold more initial consults? Invest more in SEO and you web site? Actually all these are important but most attorneys forget the reason their clients come to them.

Insulted By A Law Firm Staffer

I was personally attacked by an IT staff member of a very popular, multi-city law firm. My only provocation was the direct marketing material we use that calls to question a prospect’s satisfaction with their current outsourced IT provider. My experience begs a question to you: do you know how your staff are treating people they interact with in the course of doing firm business for you?

Hands down, I have the best staff in the IT biz! They bend over backwards everyday to make sure the people they interact with feel as if they are the most important people to them – our Culture requires it.

Law Firm Marketing Yellow Brick Road-USP

Who’s ready to stop wasting their money on a useless website? Pay attention here or you will miss one of the most crucial parts on how to make money with your website. recently we discussed your website and some elements about your website that you should improve and we also discussed how your website can become a rainmaker for your law firm.

What Good Is Your Law Firm Website?

When is the last time you got a call or a form fill on your law firm’s website? Is your website merely an Internet business card for your law firm or is it the rainmaker like it should be? When is the last time you invested any money into it? If you did what was it for: update it, revamp it, change the pictures on it, change your bios or market it?

If you didn’t answer “market it” then you’re missing out of the most important part of your website-how it could be making you money.