"I don't have the kind of practice that can market to my prior clients". Phooey!
Why do some law firm owners say to me, "I don't have the kind of practice that can market to my prior clients" but at the same time they complain the phone doesn’t ring enough? Phooey I say! Mr. Struggling Attorney, your inability to objectively consider doing something different to get new clients is what's killing your firm. Can you hear the phone ringing right now? Sadly it's not a new client but better yet, it's your wake up call! Are you willing to answer it?
It's so much harder to get a single new client than to keep nearly all of your existing ones because once someone is a client they're yours to lose. It's like I tell my kids at the beginning of each new school year, "you start off with an 'A' all you have to do is keep it."
"But, but, but I have a personal injury (or bankruptcy or probate or [insert your event driven area of law here] (aka your "excuse") practice so our clients don't often need us again." You're right! They don't need you. There's literally 1000's of other highly qualified lawyers out there ready to serve (aka "steal") them. YOU NEED THEM and it's time you accept it and start working like it.
you're just wasting your "mother load" away in denial.
Every attorney dreams of a vibrant "gold mine" of client referrals and you're just wasting your "mother load" away in denial.
Why does any major company continually advertise and market to their customer base? Of course, to make sure they're always top-of-mind to the customer that just patronized them. Good lawyers know the value of continually convincing their clients of who they'd recommend to their family and friends in need of their legal services. The bad news is that if you're not constantly marketing to them they're not sending their family and friends to you. Instead, some other random attorney is getting their biz.
You may have heard about the car salesman who each year spent more on postcards to his prior customers than most other car salesman make in total annual compensation. This smart sales guy sent postcards to parents when their kids had their 16th birthdays, when graduations came around, on anniversaries, holidays and other seasonal occasions. Why? Because he knew the events and triggers when his customers were likely to buy a car. He also knew the power of word-of-mouth and making sure he was "remarkable". He didn't need to be incredibly awesome. He just wanted to be someone that his customers would remember and "remark" about when the they or their friends needed to buy a car. Guess what. It worked!
What are to doing today to be remarkable for your clients?
What are to doing today to be remarkable for your clients? If your answer is "nothing" then no wonder you phones aren't ringing enough. here's a seemingly unknown secret about marketing: you'll never get out of it what what you don't put into it.
Can you hear the phone ringing this time? It's you're wake up call telling you to get up and start being remarkable. If you don't know how just ask me.