39,000+ Customers using Mimecast for Cloud Cybersecurity for Email makes them a leader in Advanced Email Security.
In this episode, we'll show you why and what you get out of the box to protect your Law Firm & SMB.
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39,000+ Customers using Mimecast for Cloud Cybersecurity for Email makes them a leader in Advanced Email Security.
In this episode, we'll show you why and what you get out of the box to protect your Law Firm & SMB.
Link to www.splice.
Out of the box #microsoft365 has basic spam filtering but doesn't include the advanced security needed to protect firm staff from hackers nor managing partners/owners from impersonation prevention.
For these #microsoftatp is Microsoft offers ATP:
Microsoft 365 Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) is a cloud-based email filtering service that helps protect your organization against unknown malware and viruses by providing robust zero-day protection, and includes features to safeguard your organization from harmful links in real time.
Anything that is password protected can be hacked! So why make it easy?
Passwords are the most often the cause of most data breaches and ransomware but with a simple and often no cost tech called MFA (multi-factor authentication) hackers can't easily break into your systems.
Email is the mother load to hackers. Don’t send passwords by email.
Bank, credit card statements, financial records, medical records and for goodness sake; your social security number, all should never be sent by regular email.
Plus back and forth replies and forwards only severely increases the number of places that info is stored.
Is it safe to use VPN over public WiFi?
It’s my opinion that you
should not use public WiFi.
Instead use your mobile phone as a hotspot.
At least you know it’s a legit WiFi versus a fake WiFi.
#cybersecurity #nolawfirmleftbehind #lawfirms #lawyers
Passwords for financial and social media sites need to be protected for different reasons.
If money or goods can be stolen from you, those should be different passwords than any others
If you need more in depth best practices PM or call SpliceNet Consulting
#cybersecurity #nolawfirmleftbehind #lawfirms #lawyers
Misconception: Cyber Attacks can be avoided with enough security tech
This mindset will in fact help attackers accomplish their malicious goals.
What most outsourced IT don't know is how to continually manage risk.
It's an ongoing endeavor but it doesn't need to be difficult to manage.
Hypothetically, if you were looking to purchase bulk paper which of the following search engine results would you feel safe clicking on and why?
Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Monero are so popular because they’re secure and potentially worth thousands of dollars. But investors and consumers aren’t the only ones interested in them. Hackers are using malicious tactics to steal cryptocurrency, and they’re doing it with something called cryptojacking.
Wednesday we received the following email from one of our law firm followers. The email was forwarded to Warren County (Ohio) Bar members by the Bar and is from someone at the Ohio Supreme Court. The Supreme Court's source is MS-ISAC, the Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center and is a reliable source for the current Cyber-threat level and response recommendations.