39,000+ Customers using Mimecast for Cloud Cybersecurity for Email makes them a leader in Advanced Email Security.
In this episode, we'll show you why and what you get out of the box to protect your Law Firm & SMB.
Link to www.splice.
39,000+ Customers using Mimecast for Cloud Cybersecurity for Email makes them a leader in Advanced Email Security.
In this episode, we'll show you why and what you get out of the box to protect your Law Firm & SMB.
Link to www.splice.
39,000+ Customers using Mimecast for Cloud Cybersecurity for Email makes them a leader in Advanced Email Security.
In this episode, we'll show you why and what you get out of the box to protect your Law Firm & SMB.
Link to www.splice.
Virginia Holmes of Cors & Bassett strategically straddled both Office Manager & Paralegal for years but this year was different - COVID!
See how she tackled her firm's obstacles to succeed.
#nolawfirmleftbehind #lawyers #lawfirms #paralegals #legaladmins
#COVID and #workfromhome have been a double-edge sword. These have awoken the #legal industry to the necessity to #pivot in client marketing. Many hoped things would "go back to the way they were" but our prediction is that hope is futile.
The legal client is different now and the "old" methods of client attraction must change if a firm is to continue to compete.
#COVID and #workfromhome have been a double-edge sword. These have awoken the #legal industry to the necessity to #pivot in client marketing. Many hoped things would "go back to the way they were" but our prediction is that hope is futile.
The legal client is different now and the "old" methods of client attraction must change if a firm is to continue to compete.
Law Firms, try Using Book Ends to Keep Staff On Task. Jim Gast of SpliceNet Consulting talks to No Law Firm Left Behind partner, Jeff Hanson of Trust IT in Baton Rouge, Louisiana while Jeff suggests Slack and Zoom as alternatives to Microsoft Teams and how to use "Book Ends" to keep attorneys and their staff on task and target while forced to Work From Home during the COVID-19 pandemic.